Throughout the day today there was a whole bunch of random stuff I was thinking I should write in here about. Granted I might have forgotten a bunch of it by now, but I'll give it my best shot.
First of all why do little old women always seem meaner than little old men? I don't get it. The little old guys always seem so sweet and are always smiling, but it's so much rarer to find a little old woman like that. Because I like to be the one to always be the opposite, I plan on being a smiling little old lady. There's no need to scare all the little children with glares!
The homily at church today (which I swear our pastor always knows just what to say to make a point to me) was all about forgiveness and being friends with our enemies. I think God is trying to tell me something - I just don't know what to do though. Any thoughts - please let me know!
I've realized that I'm really going to miss my dad when I move. He's kinda become my best friend here. Well besides Halleh of course! We talk about a whole bunch of stuff and every night we watch TV together and have dinner (Shawn is usually out running the town!). I had a mild breakdown about it the other day, but hopefully after I move I won't have another one.
I've come to the realization that I can't sleep late anymore. This is rather depressing to me!! This was my only day to sleep late cause I have to work both tomorrow and monday at the shelter (which both should be rather interesting). So I didn't set an alarm at all this morning and didn't go to bed till like 12:30 and by 9:00 I could stay in bed no longer. Talk about ridiculous. I was hoping to sleep till like noon! So of course I made myself stay in bed in a hope to fool myself (which sometimes works might I add - I don't really understand how I can fool myself, but I can). However today it didn't work so I decided ultimately to just greet the morning.
I went to the post office today and had to buy some stamps for my dad. I was going to just get the basic flag ones, because really I didn't feel like picking some other random kind out. However when I told the guy they were for my dad he was like "Oh we just got some really cool classic cars ones in. I'm sure he loves cars right!" And I'm over there thinking to myself about how dad could care less about cars, but the worker was so cute and so proud of himself that I had to get the car ones. I brought them home and dad just laughed and was like "oh great cars." So then I had to take a hard time for a while, but I just couldn't shoot down the postal worker. His enthusiasm was just too adorable.
I thought that I might pass out in church today. The AC wasn't working. I wore a shirt and brought a light jacket cause usually church is cold. Then when I'm going into church I realize that my shirt has a hole in it in the seam at the bottom, so I go ahead and put my jacket on. Everyone else in church is fanning themselves with books, bulletins, anything they can find. But not me - I'm sitting there in my jacket trying not to pass out cause I'm worried about having on just a shirt with a hole in it. I bet everyone thought I was real crazy. In fact some people did give me funny looks - and that totally never happens to me so . . . .
Well I thought I had some other exciting (well that's really in the eye of the beholder I suppose) things to say, but apparently I've forgotten them all. It must be that one drink I had.
Well I hope everyone is having great nights. I miss you girls. I wish we were out at Dukum now!
(But then again, you old 22 and 23 year olds probably couldn't keep up with a young whippersnapper like myself.)
Quote of the entry: "Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life." ~ Red Auerbach