Sunday, September 18, 2005

Wow I'm incredibly crabby

So today started out ok and really had so much potential, but boy did it landslide since then.
I woke up in a room with some of my favorite people. And was quite excited to get up to talk to the Kirksville girls before they left to head back to the Ville. My twin was the best twin ever last night and then I got to go on walks and have a good talks with Steph and Kim. And Kristin Harkins and Sarah Bernard were craking me up hard core. So overall very exciting that they came. However boo to going to bed with 4 hamburgers and 8 beers left and waking up to nothing. Matt's friends are such polite people.
This morning a group of us went to IHOP, which really hit the spot cause I was starving.
Then Halleh and I wanted to hang out longer so we went to the park. And laid on a park bench and chit chatted and got a lot of funny looks from people. But we were perfectly content sprawled out there and had a grand old time.
Then I came home and that's when things turned on me. Dad made me mad within like the first 30 minutes that I was at home. And then me and Shawn are about to kill each other as Linds can testify to since she was on the phone with me when we were going at it. And of course there's my favorite part of the evening: My room is infested with rollie pollies or however you spell that. Last count 57 had been removed from my room and I'm quite certain that that's nowhere near all of them. So needless to say I'll be sleeping on the couch tonight.


Blogger Liz said...

I have the perfect solution to your rollie pollie problem! Get a bunch of 5 year olds (preferably day care kids, can be a mix of boys and girls) and tell them they're in there. They will then scour the entire room and collect them all, and also dig up all the dirt around the house outside of your bedroom in an attempt to find the most. The biggest ones will be called the dads, the next biggest the moms, and the small ones will all be the kids. They will ask you if they can take them home and you will thrill them by telling them yes! It's a win-win situation for you and them!
I hope you feel less crabby :)

9:57 AM  
Blogger Kate said...

I like Liz's solution to the rollie pollie problem! Think we can convince the 5 year olds that doing the dishes is fun? Then they could come do the dishes at my house after they've gotten rid of your rollie pollies.

3:40 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I Love Rollie Pollies!! But I think over 50 would be overdoing it a little. I'll come exterminate if you want.

9:10 PM  
Blogger slens04 said...

I also love rollie pollies, but do not feel that I would love them in my bedroom.

10:27 AM  

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