Thursday, July 13, 2006

I'm really really homesick. I miss my friends. I miss my house. I even miss my family. I have to keep reminding myself that it's only like 3 more weeks. 21 Days.

"Maybe surrounded by
A million people I
Still feel alone
I just wanna go home
Oh I miss you, you know"
~Michael Buble - "Home"

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Don't take me out to the ballgame

I HATE THE AMERICAN LEAGUE!!!!!!! I am now going to bed VERY ANGRY that we lost that game. We had it in the bag. 9th inning, 2 outs. All stupid Hoffmann had to do was get one out. Not allow a single, then a double, then a triple. And what was with the Cardinals that got to play? Good thing they were useless as far as hitting went. I honestly expected a little more from my boys. I HATE THE AMERICAN LEAGUE. AND I HATE THIS NEW FORMAT THAT LETS THE WINNER HAVE HOME FIELD ADVANTAGE! It should be the old way where the better record gets home field. If it's the american league with a better record every time I'd feel fine about it, but letting this one stupid game decide it is idiotic. I AM ANGRY!
Well I suppose that's it. I hope everyone else is having a better evening! :)

Sunday, July 09, 2006

dazed and confused

I read stories about the Sunni and the Shiite and I just don't understand. How do people think it is OK for them to kill other people? How do people think that they are better than people? You'd think that we'd learn but no we never do. The Holocaust. Whites better than blacks. Some religious groups better than others. Some nationalities better than others. Yeah we're all different, but why do people try to decide who's better? Why do people think they can take the lives of other people and they have that right and there's no consequences? It just baffles me. Expecially since I know that some people honestly think that it's ok. That they're even doing something good. I know it's probably largely upbringing. But I think it's scary.
Today was productive. I got some packing done. I've opted for the slowly do a little at a time approach so that I don't have to do it all at once.
A funny little story from work the other day: Tiffany was tickling one of the 7 year old boys at work because he was angry at a peer and trying to beat the peer up. We were trying to distract him by tickling him. So Tif is joking with him telling him that she's just feeling his ribs, not tickling him. Then she tells him that he's missing a rib to play with him. He responds by saying, "Duh. That's because God took a rib from man to make women." A very good explanation of why he's "missing a rib." Why didn't we think of that? I was trying hard not to crack up.
Well I'm tired and it's about time for bed!