I love the peaceful feeling that comes from going to church and then coming back home, buying myself the Sunday newspaper, reading the church bulletin, and then having a little lunch. It's overall very pleasant. It also helps that Lucy Goosy (one of my multiple nicknames for her as well as Luce, Stinky, Princess, and stick-up-your-butt because she walks like that) is being pretty behaved this morning. She's chewing away on her rawhide. Granted she always has to do it on my feet - she's a little addicted to them and she always wants to chew her toys on my feet or lay on my feet while she chews them. Lindsay just thinks it's funny.
So last week I went to church with Linds to a church that she wanted to try out. It was a lot like her church at home. I always think it's interesting that they use like multi-media formats. Like they use big projectors with the words to the music and pictures and stuff like that. I was joking with her that the Catholic church would rather die than use something like that at a mass. However I'm afraid I must completely eat my words. I showed up at mass this morning and sure enough across half of the front of church was a big screen and projector. I almost passed out then and there. I overheard the two little old ladies in front of me talking about it:
Lady #1: What is that screen doing up there?
Lady #2: I don't know! (Said in complete and total shock)
Lady #1: Well I do NOT approve of that being there.
Lady #2: Still speechless in shock
It was really funny. That's the Catholic response that I expect. Anyways they used it for a couple songs and the homily. I'm pretty sure it was just a one time deal. But what are the odds that just last week I said it would never happen and then sure enough . . . .
I like the church I go to a lot, but I sure wish I still had Kris and my twin to go to church with. It gets a little lonely going alone.
On one last religious related theme: So these cartoons that are causing an uproar across all kinds of countries. What is up with that? I understand that they don't like Mohammed being made fun of or anything, but their actions seem rather severe to me. I mean you can be upset and disgusted and not read those papers anymore or even refuse to buy Danish goods but setting fire to places and making threats to kill all kinds of people is insanity. I don't know. I mean when it comes to Christianity, Jesus is made fun of probably once every 2 minutes, but if we responded like that every time we'd all be in jail. I think it's crazy that they think that killing and what not in the name of a god is OK. I mean yes Catholicism has done it as well back in the days of the Crusades, but I don't agree with that either. And I at least take comfort in the fact that they were a long time ago. I don't know - I just don't like their response or their actions at all. Now they're mad that the Danish government won't reprimand the newspaper. But the government is like Hello it's called free speech - we can't prosecute people over that. I did think it was funny that the article said this, "In a strongly worded statement, a U.S. State Department spokesman said Friday that, despite respect for the freedom of expression, the publication of cartoons that incite religious or ethnic hatreds is unacceptable." Because I don't think the US does that great at protecting it here. I mean I often see Jesus made fun of in cartoons and then things like that new show that's supposed to be on TV that has Jesus in it or whatever. I find that offensive as well but I think that people can just choose to ignore and worry about themselves. Anyways that's my rant about the current religious issues. I'm sure you all cared deeply.
On one other random side note we had a parade at work on Friday and it was one of the funniest things ever. It was to celebrate the Chinese New Years. The kids in Paula's class all wore shoeboxes that they had decorated with ribbon and beads and toilet paper rolls to turn into dragons. The kids in Wyne's class all made dragons out of construction paper and streamers. Then the kids each got a musical instrument and marched around the playground playing music and saying Happy New Years in Chinese. It was hilarious. I wish you all could have seen it. The staff was dying of laughter.
Well now I must get to finding some lunch I think. I know it's pretty early but that's what happens when you get up early.
Quote of the Entry:
"That's what I love about Sunday:
Sing along as the choir sways;
Every verse of Amazin' Grace,
And then we shake the Preacher's hand.
Go home into your blue jeans;
Have some chicken and some baked beans.
Pick a back yard football team,
Not do much of anything.
That's what I love about Sunday."
- "That's What I Love about Sundays" - Craig Morgan