Reality TV can get such a rise out of me sometimes
I have to get this out somewhere and there's no one here for me to talk to. SURVIVOR IS DRIVING ME CRAZY THIS SEASON. I'm so mad that they voted off Gary. Good tribal council. Gary - Way to call out Judd for lying and good comment about Steph signing autographs (You had Bobby Jon and Jamie cracking up). I hate Judd - Mr I never lie - oh wait yeah except that lie that Gary just told the whole team about. I hate Cindy - Cindy why are you so stuck up? I'm surprised you're even still around - It's only for numbers. I hate Lydia. I'm not really too happy with Steph recently. Steph I'm sure that tensions are high and I know that you're psyched that you're in a different position than you were last time and you're an awesome competitor and last time a huge model for girls, but do you have to be mean? When you were an underdog did you like being treated shitty? Than why are you doing it to others? You can vote someone off and still be kind and classy to them. Rafe is pretty good but he never votes for who I want him too. Dani is who I'd pick to win now but unfortunately she is more than likely the next off unless she can stir up some major shit at camp or win immunity. So go Dani. Start some shit. And classy speech after getting voted off Gary. I knew I liked you.
So that's my commentary on Survivor. Let's hope that the Apprentice goes better and I don't have to get as chatty about it. Although the first episode is just flashbacks and Toral makes me want to hit something.
Well now I better get to Apprentice and taking care of some things. I plan on going to bed early cause I plan on getting up super early and hitting the sales before I have to be at work at 7. Call me crazy but I like the day after Thanksgiving Sales. So hopefully I'll hit up one or two depending on how busy it is starting at 5 and then head to work afterwards. Hopefully it'll be a fun time. And maybe some certain people's christmas gifts'll come out of it.