Thursday, November 24, 2005

Reality TV can get such a rise out of me sometimes

I have to get this out somewhere and there's no one here for me to talk to. SURVIVOR IS DRIVING ME CRAZY THIS SEASON. I'm so mad that they voted off Gary. Good tribal council. Gary - Way to call out Judd for lying and good comment about Steph signing autographs (You had Bobby Jon and Jamie cracking up). I hate Judd - Mr I never lie - oh wait yeah except that lie that Gary just told the whole team about. I hate Cindy - Cindy why are you so stuck up? I'm surprised you're even still around - It's only for numbers. I hate Lydia. I'm not really too happy with Steph recently. Steph I'm sure that tensions are high and I know that you're psyched that you're in a different position than you were last time and you're an awesome competitor and last time a huge model for girls, but do you have to be mean? When you were an underdog did you like being treated shitty? Than why are you doing it to others? You can vote someone off and still be kind and classy to them. Rafe is pretty good but he never votes for who I want him too. Dani is who I'd pick to win now but unfortunately she is more than likely the next off unless she can stir up some major shit at camp or win immunity. So go Dani. Start some shit. And classy speech after getting voted off Gary. I knew I liked you.
So that's my commentary on Survivor. Let's hope that the Apprentice goes better and I don't have to get as chatty about it. Although the first episode is just flashbacks and Toral makes me want to hit something.
Well now I better get to Apprentice and taking care of some things. I plan on going to bed early cause I plan on getting up super early and hitting the sales before I have to be at work at 7. Call me crazy but I like the day after Thanksgiving Sales. So hopefully I'll hit up one or two depending on how busy it is starting at 5 and then head to work afterwards. Hopefully it'll be a fun time. And maybe some certain people's christmas gifts'll come out of it.

It's a shitty day to be a Turkey

I wonder if it's clear to anyone else that I'm the only one who is not at home and didn't have to take time packing and stuff because I'm the only one who's been updating my journal! Well except cousin Kate who usually does a pretty good job.
So I had a lovely morning reading the paper, having pop-tarts and milk, and watching the Macy's Thanksgiving day parade. When I went to Walmart last night I got cranberry sauce and a miniature pecan pie for this evening. I also have plans to watch a christmas movie cause it's acceptable now and to do a little bit of christmas decoration around our fireplace. And I got some mint chocolate candy canes to eat and decorate with. So I guess I'm set for the day.
The only pitfall in my day so far has been being forced to smash a stinkbug in my bedroom. By the way Linds it may possibly be sitting there for when you get back to do something with. Plleeeeeaaaaasssse.
My favorites of the parade so far (it's not over yet - and I didn't see the beginning!) was the Disney float (they had one kid and one adult for each character - like there was an 8 year old Hercules flexing his muscles and then right behind him was an adult Hercules flexing his -it was cute - and LeAnn Rimes sang), the charlie brown balloon cause it's a classic, Sesame Street was classical little kid's sesame street (I'm glad to see they'renot changing over time - it's still the same as when we watched it and I like things that stick with what works), Natasha Beddingfield, and that's it for now. The strangest may have been the people singing about King Tut and the cheerleaders who used pretend taxi's and just kept saying "Hey New York."
So my mom is supposed to be taking the web cam to the Peanick side for Thanksgiving and trying to hook her laptop up there. So we're supposed to rendezvouz at 4 my time. At first I was like yeah whatever but now I'm afraid I'm going to be really disappointed if it doesn't work so hopefully it does.
Well I'm off to call my dad. I hope that you all have a Happy Thanksgiving, remember all that you're thankful for, and travel safely. I'll be counting my blessings for you all today. I miss you girls.

Quote of the entry:
"If the only prayer you said in your whole life was, "thank you," that would suffice." ~Meister Eckhart

"Not what we say about our blessings, but how we use them, is the true measure of our thanksgiving." ~ WT Purkiser

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Shake that Laffy Taffy

So this song came on at work the other day and one of the staff went to turn it off cause he didn't think it was appropriate and all the kids were trying to tell them that it just meant to shake a piece of Laffy Taffy (the candy). It was really funny and I feel quite confident that some of the kids really thought that but I also know that some of them knew it was inappropriate. It was like my Senior Sem project all over.
So I bought this Pilates DVD right before I moved up here cause I was thinking that I really need to incorporate more stretching and that sort of stuff into my life. So I've done the first few minutes before but never actually did one of the whole routines (there's two: one for arms and stomach and the other for legs I think - each is a half hour and then there's some bonus shorter ones). So I decided a little while ago that since I didn't want to go out and work out tonight that I'd try out this pilates DVD. So I turned on the arms and stomach one cause it's first and juped right in.
There's only one word to describe this DVD: INSANITY. I think the people doing this are freaks or genetically mutated or something. Ok not really but they must be in incredible shape (they are all ripped). I mean I don't work out religiously any more or anything but I've always thought of myself in pretty good shape. I mean really I thank my blessings because there's really only two things in life that I feel confident in myself in: The first is that I'm always good at caring about people (in fact often times I think I care too much for people that I don't even really know) and the second is that I'm never the worst at anything athletic. I'm not usually the best, but I can usually hold my own.
Anyways enough on that tangent there - the point is I was dying. My arms were shaking for like 15 minutes afterwards. It was ridiculous and I couldn't even do everything on there. At first I was really annoyed at the video and the instructor person and her background zombies but as it went on it became more of a challenge to keep up. So now I'm at least inspired to do it a few more times and see if I get better at it.
So I just changed positions and leaned up on my elbows to type here and the arms are back to their convulsion state. But at least now I feel really stupid and like working out more. I really want someone else to try this with me and to see if it's just me or if they can't do it either. I'd make Ms. Scheitlin do it with me but she complains about all workouts so that wouldn't tell me anything!!!! : )
So after my workout I thought I'd cool down by watching a nice episode of Sex and the City. Instead I wound up in tears. Of course it had to be like the most depressing episode ever that they were showing. The one when Miranda's mom dies. I remember that episode being really sad but I forgot how sad it really is.
So I passed my med test today so I got my certification. I actually really enjoyed today cause we just had testing stuff and did the practical part in groups and while one group went the other two just hung out. So we all sat around talking about life, the kids at work, etc . . . It was a lot of fun. I'm starting to like work more and more as time goes on.
Ok well I've rambled enough. I'm going to devote my full attention to The Amazing Race now!

Monday, November 21, 2005

You may be right. I may be crazy. But it just may be a lunatic you're looking for.

I remembered today why I'm taking a break from school. Not that today was bad or anything but . . . sitting all day in classes isn't nearly as much fun as it used to be. Good thing now when I do it I'm the teacher aide instead of the student. But instead today and tomorrow I'm a student. I'm in med training so that I can dispense meds to the kids at work. Today was lessons all day and then tomorrow we have the written test and the practical. I took a practice test today though and got a 98 so I'm not too worried. There was a ton of info though. So now maybe I'll have to act like some goofy people that I know that like to put initials behind their names. I'll be J. REESOR, QMAP (Qualified Medication Administration Person). Yeah not in this lifetime.
So I guess tonight I'll actually do a bit of studying - it's been a while! And if anyone needs to know any metric conversions, any of the abbreviations on their prescriptions, or anything about the proper dispensing of meds let me know!
It was a fun group of us though that were in training so that kept it interesting. We were cracking up a couple different times. I really like the people at work unfortuately it's not really like I can become better friends with a lot of them or do stuff outside of work cause . . . I don't know - that's just the vibe I get. I'll let you know if that ever changes.
I did work Saturday day and Sunday night. Saturday was great. It was my favorite staff. They are all laid back and I know them better than some of the other staff so it was a lot of fun. And the kids were in great moods too. I also got to have a really good one on one talk for like 45 minutes with one of the kids who is always in trouble and he actually managed to act appropriate the whole time. It was so awesome. I also think I'm starting to develop a favorite (which luckily work encourages that you get close to some of the kids (AKA kind of play favorites) as long as you watch out for the whole group - with all the staff that is there it leads to almost all the kids being someones favorite since they're all different.) Anyways he has huge anger problems but he's seriously like a lamb when he hangs out with me so . . .
So tonight I'm back to the parenting classes. I really hope the kids are at least a tiny bit more in control tonight than last week. Any little bit would help. Kerry (the MSW student who runs the class) and I are going to get there early to try to get the room more set-up so that things are more in control but we'll see if it works.
So it's kinda crazy cause I don't know what the weather is like anywhere else, but here it was like 60 yesterday and beautiful today and it's supposed to be like in the 50's all week. So good news. Perhaps this is God's way of cheering me up. Cause who doesn't enjoy a nice little present of good weather.
I got a library card yesterday - WOOHOO. It was exciting to me I guess. Especially since I always have these crazy ideas of things that I want to learn about. And I'm really working on actually pursuing my crazy ideas cause learning is good right. Right now the focus is reviewing my Spanish so I got some worksheets from the library. So Elizabeth when I start like sending you letters in Spanish - be prepared.
You know what I really want to know. How come with some people it is so easy to feel comfortable and others totally not? Ok one of the girls at work is one of the supervisors and she's really nice and everything but she intimidates the shit out of me. I'm always afraid she's like judging what I'm doing. But this guy that's the other supervisor is awesome and I'm not scared of him at all. And he's really nice but not really a lot more than the girl or anything. Then there's Koki. How come sometimes with boys that I really don't like (in a boyfriend or crush way) I still feel really nervous talking to. I never think of Koki that way and he's super nice and we have conversations a lot but I still can't stand any second of downtime in our conversation. It's just awkward to me for some reason. People are so confusing sometimes. That's why I like kids and dogs. They always show their true selves, thoughts, and emotions. That I can work with.
Well I better get to those kids. I'm sure some of them will be showing their true emotions tonight and I hope I'm ready for it!

Friday, November 18, 2005

I'm a crab . . . and not the kind that make fun pets unfortunately

Paid $250 for Colorado license plates today. And I think I have to get new insurance. I hate the real world. Sometimes I feel like I will never get past a live day to day sort of life. I will never get ahead.
Anyways I had a lovely evening. I made this chicken with honey and corn flakes and stuff, green bean casserole, and cherry crisp. Linds got some alcohol for us to drink. (They let you mix 6 packs there so she got like blueberry beer, raspberry beer, and some smirnoff flavors)
She got me the fourth Harry Potter book for Thanksgiving. So now I can reread that while I'm here this week.
Anyways the moral is I should be in a good mood. I think I'm PMSing and thus I'm just getting easily upset over things like money, being alone all week, and other things that are not the end of the world.
Well now I must get back to Supernanny in case I pop out a kid soon and I need to know what to do. Best to have these tips ahead of time of course!

Quote of the entry:
I heard this song today and it really seemed to fit my mood. I mean I'm such a cowboy . . . hmm not so much but . . .

"I don't know why I act the way I do
Like I ain't got a single thing to lose
Sometimes I'm my own worst enemy
I guess that's just the cowboy in me

I got a life that most would love to have
But sometimes I still wake up fightin' mad
At where this road I'm heading down might lead
I guess that's just the cowboy in me

The urge to run, the restlessness
The heart of stone I sometimes get
The things I've done for foolish pride
The me that's never satisfied
The face that's in the mirror when I don't like what I see
I guess that's just the cowboy in me"
~The Cowboy in Me- Tim McGraw

Thursday, November 17, 2005

The real world is SO demanding . . .

Seriously. It's like they just plan these long things for you to do.
Today, I didn't feel like I accomplished much. But that's cause everything I was trying to do was taking all this work. I finally got into contact with the right person at Youth In Need to fax over my physical and TB test so that I don't have to pay to get someone to do it here. Not to mention why get stabbed again when I just did a few months ago.
I did some research and filled out the form to get copies of my transcripts from Truman. It's really annoying cause you can't call or e-mail to get them. You have to mail to them and then get them mailed back. I have to send a check or my credit card info. Sheesh.
Then I had to send some e-mails to get some reference letters.
Then copy my driver's license and SS Card.
All this for a job that I've already had for a month. I mean ok I still understand the health stuff (although if I had TB the last month it's already too late) and the copies of things. But why do I need a reference letter now. You already hired me. I've already been working! How illogical.
Then besides silly work stuff I had to try to figure out what all I needed to register my car here and get plates for it. Thank goodness I don't have to get a CO emissions test cause I would have been real pissy since I just got a MO one two months ago! Luckily here my car is still new enough that I don't need it. However I do have to go to an automotive facility so that they can fill out my VIN verification. So I guess I'll be doing that tomorrow.
Oh and I went to the bank.
I feel like in the past few months I've been fingerprinted, had background checks completed, and gave out my address, phone number, license number, SSN, former addresses, etc, so many times I could recite them in my sleep. Not to mention I think I've signed away my life, my first born child, my pets, everything I own and will ever own.
So in conclusion the real world wants your right arm and leg. So for those of you that don't have to do all these things yet - WATCH OUT and BE PREPARED. Now don't say you were never warned. Someone should have warned me.

On a totally different note at least I have Thursday night TV to look forward to!!! If only I had Thursday night Dukum with you girls . . . then my night would be complete. Perhaps I'll have a drink for old time's sake.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

I haven't decided if technology is really good or evil but today I say good.

So I spent a long time hooking up my webcam to my computer this evening but it was totally worth it. My mom has one too so she got on and we had a conversation and it was so nice to be able to look at each other and talk instead of having to type - cause wow my mom's a bad typer. So she takes like ten years and repeats the same questions and everything but talking instead was a lot nicer.
Now I request that you all get them so that we can talk to each other on the computer. It's very exciting. It's like the phone but better cause you can SEE the person.
Have I mentioned how impressed I was? And before you say anything, yes I know they've been around for a while, but hey it's the first time I've owned one.
That is all.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

I'm gonna take my chances, takin a chance I might find what I'm looking for

So I know you all have been waiting less than patiently on the edge of your seats to hear what new things are coming in my life since last time you heard from me . . .
So let's see.
I made cookies today and I HATE baking here!!! It's so frustrating. I love to bake but nothing turns out as well here cause it's so hard to figure out how to adjust for altitude. I left out a half cup of the flour cause it's so much drier here and they say to add 2-3 tbsp more of liquids but like what? Which liquid should I add more of? And then you're supposed to like use a different temperature in the oven - like 20 or so degrees higher. Anyways it's rather frustrating and I get so upset when things don't turn out well. We did make an interesting dinner thing though - it was called I think Hot Dogs Azteca. It was like tortillas with chili and cheese and hot dogs rolled up in them and then cooked in the oven so the tortilla gets crisp. They were actually really pretty good. We had all these hot dogs left over from tailgating last weekend and had to use them somehow!
I'm not in a fight with Halleh anymore. I know you all were greatly concerned. I got my newsletter on Monday so I guess it's possible that it was just the mail system and not Halleh torturing me. But I have to be honest, I still have my eye on her.
So volunteering last night was crazy! There were like 3 of us watching 11 kids which isn't a bad ratio but there are like 2 almost two year olds, 3 two year olds, 4 four year olds, 1 eight year old, and 1 nine year old. These kids were all screaming! And the 4 year olds all ask younger cause like one is mentally delayed, one is being raised by a mentally handicapped mom, and one has two younger brothers and just acts little. So it's like there are like 8 two year olds!
And oh yeah. I have a full time job. I don't know if I want it or not, but I have it. There are a lot of pros and cons to it but I won't bore you. So if you want more details you'll have to let me know.
OK I would write more but I'm interested to see the pictures Elizabeth added to Facebook so I'm ending here instead!

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Halleh Renee - we are in a fight

Today was a good day. We went and tailgated and then watched like half the CSU game before we decided we were freezing and left (along with most of the fans!). Then we went to Old Chicago with Linds's friend Jacqueline and her fiance and her dad to watch the Iowa game. And they won - GO HAWKS (I guess . . . ). ANd I'm actually a bit tipsy but you didn't hear that from me (you know like 6 hours of drinking does that sometimes).
I'm beginning to like some of Linds's friends a lot more. Not that I didn't like them before but I guess I just felt really out of place. But now there's at least like 3 or so that I feel are pretty cool to hang out with - although they aren't you guys!
Now I also want to comment that Ms Ghodrati we are in a HUGE fight. Do you know who got their newsletter today? Lindsay. Do you know who didn't? Jenny. Of course not. I'm beginning to think that my life is shittier than everyone elses.
Oh well, at least "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" is on. SO THERE - WHO NEEDS A STUPID NEWSLETTER WHEN I HAVE THE GRINCH?????
Alright well trying to debate between a nap and drinking more before some party tonight. I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend!

Thursday, November 10, 2005

For the Love

I have no idea how that phrase got stuck in my head and why I keep using it. I don't even think I could effectively explain what it means. But for some unknown reason it's my phrase of choice recently and I'm ready to quit using it.
I just saw a preview for Now and Then coming up on TV and it made me miss you guys a lot. It kind of made me miss my best friends from high school and grade school too. It's funny how friends really help shape who you are. That move is a classic. I wish I had any idea where my best friend from gradeschool is. She went to a different highschool and I never really got back in touch with her. I still went to a couple of her dance recitals and stuff when we were freshman and sophmores but we just had such different hectic schedules. I thought about sending a letter to her parents' house and seeing if they could get it to her. I would really like to at least be in contact with her and maybe see her sometime. Maybe I should look into that letter.
I haven't really been feeling well recently. I'm afraid it may be a long winter because the kids at work always have something and they spread it to everyone else. So I feel as though I may be bringing home a lot of different germs. But let's think positively: I have a strong immune system right?
I went bike riding for 6 miles yesterday. I forgot how I don't really like to bike at all until I started riding. However after I got past like the first mile and a half it was pretty nice. It was a little bit chilly out so it felt nice. And the sidewalks and stuff are nice here to ride on. I passed a lot of other bike riders as well. I also circled around the park by our house cause I wanted to check out these station things that they have. They are like spread out and you're supposed to walk/jog/run to each one and then there are things like pull ups, leg raises, push ups, incline sit-ups, jumping over things, etc . . . It's pretty cool. I really want to talk Linds into doing it sometime. Elizabeth I wish you were here. You would have me doing it like every day or something. I really miss track night. Maybe if I actually went to it again I'd remember that I don't really miss it. But for now I do - especially the nights when all three of us were getting along and we were breaking our time records. Those were the best.
Ok well I'm kind of thirsty and hungry so I think I better get lunch. I just thought I'd at least add something new to my journal!