Wednesday, August 31, 2005

A pizza and two monstrous beers later . . .

I went to Hot Shots tonight with Halleh and Cariss. It was quite the good time. I got to give Halleh her late birthday gift and buy her a Happy 22nd beer. We talked about anything and everything and on a whole enjoyed ourselves (even with our crazy share-everything-about-my-own-personal-life waitress). It was a good time reliving old stories that seem like they happened another lifetime ago.

Unfortunately Matt and Sarah were "swimming" tonight and couldn't make it out. Very shady indeed. And I missed Kim's cussing, tongue ring boyfriend who was apparently there last week!

Well it's midnight and lucky me I get to get up at like 5 tomorrow and work like 32 hours straight. Yipee. At least both of my jobs are entertaining so, . . . .

On a side note: I stink of smoke. I would think that the smell alone would prevent a lot of people from doing it. Not to mention that that is one nasty and really expensive addiction. These people are basically setting their money on fire and watching it burn. But I guess one person can't just decide for everyone.

Ok well I'm super tired and still a bit tipsy so I think I better blow this popsicle stand and head to bed. I hope everyone is having great nights!

Quote of the entry: "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." ~ Dr. Seuss

Monday, August 29, 2005

I am on the ball

Well I followed Elizabeth's suggestion and even took care of starting this tonight. Unfortunately due to the other gazillion things I have to do tonight this post will be rather uneventful and lacking of any and all wit and/or humor. I promise to try harder in the future. For now however, I must get back to the Rams and the Cardinals. It's a good day to be an STL girl.